Start before the beginning:
Last time we met, I discussed the power of writing more regularly.
Quickfire tasks, without editing, to boost not only your creativity, but also your Storytelling.
I really believe in the power of tasks like this, because chances are, it’s been a long time since you wrote anything consistently.
With the world telling you that Storytelling is the key to unlocking your brand’s identity and
Brand Voice, how do you go about it?
I have a few ideas. Whether you’re going old school and grabbing your notepad or opening up a new Note, today will kick off a series of Blogs designed to build your Brand Voice with style.
But where to start?
At the beginning. In fact, let’s start before the beginning.
You're a superhero in your own right. And you know my favourite part of superhero stories? It’s not the bit where they meet their nemesis. It’s not even the bit where they defeat them and save the world. It’s the bit that comes before all that. Long before. It’s the origin story.
I want to know what shaped you. What defined you and brought you to where you are now.
Sounds simple, but sometimes we forget how powerful that origin is. You need to remember that there will always be someone, somewhere, sitting reading a Blog to learn how to make the most of their Brand Voice and unlock its potential to captivate an audience. They’ll be invested in the tips, but also in who you are. Who you were before too.
So let’s make sure they know you.
Task: For each of the following questions, jot down as little or as much as you can. A couple of minutes on each will be plenty.
Tell me about your career to date.
Write down 3 things that made you happy.
Write down 3 things that made you unhappy.
Remember the day (roughly) you decided you wanted your own business? Tell me about it.
Think back to the first bit of research you did. Tell me more.
I love your Brand name. How did you choose it?
Who was the first person you told about your business? How did they react?
What was the first step you took? Website design? Canva? Why did you start there?
How did you know when you were going to launch?
Tell me about launch day.
Thanks for taking part.
You’ve just gone a really long way to writing your origin story and unlocking your Brand Voice. If you read those notes back, you’ll see a real rollercoaster of emotions. Happiness, sadness, doubt, excitement and everything in between.
I love that. It’s what I want to feel when I read your website, your Blogs, your posts.
Because this is step 1 of building your Brand Voice as a business owner. Taking that time to remember how it began will always be a crucial part of your story.
No matter how successful you become, how important or how wealthy, your origin story will forever be what makes you relatable.
Documenting each stage of your journey is so important. Every little step you take in building your brand, as crude as it sounds, is content. That’s why I’ll never accept people saying they have no stories, no content.
It’s everywhere, in all we do. Good and bad.
Sometimes we just need a little help finding it. But you’ve already started that process today.
I look forward to reading the details of your story soon.
Do you like little challenges like this? Once a week I can send quickfire tips and tasks like this into your Inbox if you like? Head here to find confidence in your Brand Voice.
If you’re really up for some tasks to push you out of your comfort zone, go download my free interactive guide to find your Brand Voice!